Friday, June 23, 2006

badminton rocks!

just finished a really good game of badminton today. i love playing this game! given the choice of playing badminton or the gym, in a heartbeat id play badminton.


... because its fun and i get to exercise and not feel like a trapped hamster on a treadmill
... i get to play with different people
... its challenging especially since you dont know how good your opponent is
... i get to play with D, and playing sports is one way we get to "bond"
... i really feel like im losing weight hahaha

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

dealing with wild things

there comes a time when you encounter WILD THINGS, which surprise you precisely because they are WILD and un-tameable.

but, that's the allure of it. you try and try to create a connection with the wild things in life, until they dont seem as scary, till they don't seem so wild after all.

there are people who are wild things in our lives, who come and shake up our routine, making us rethink the way things are done and how we handle them..

ultimately, i think it is great to have a chance to deal with these WILD THINGS.

it keeps you on your toes and life is not the same after every encounter.

here's to mowgli. will say a prayer for you everyday. =)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

why i love my job

just started working again recently, and call me odd but i love what i do.

love work?! you must think im crazy.

but i really do. working with kids makes life seem so simple and uncomplicated. call me cheesy but remember the robert fulghum book on things i learned in kindergarten? i think they're all TRUE.

how about you? what do you love doing?

the lakehouse

i haven't blogged in ages.... as you know, life happens...

moving along now...

just watched the movie "the lakehouse" starring keanu reeves and sandra bullock and i liked it. WHY?

1. it made me think, trying to tie up the loose ends on when they met and how things in their future changed, which upto today i haven't reached a conclusion as to how it all really happened.

2. its a remake of an old korean movie called "il mare" which ended tragically, so happily this didnt.

3. i like keanu reeves !


I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!