Thursday, June 28, 2007


It happened in slow motion.

And the funny thing was I had a feeling that something bad was gonna happen, and it did.... talk about premonitions....

I was so tired from work that day that as soon as I got home, I crashed in my parents room and decided to do some work on my laptop before flopping in sleepy stupor on the bed. Before my internal battery ran out, I turned off my laptop and decided to keep it plugged, placed it on the side table just beside the bed which was within arms reach. I was so sleepy that even with the two boys rough housing, I was dead to everything...unless you count the few times Santino decided to play games with his sleepy Ninang and amused himself by waking me up hahahaha.

And then it happened.

I finally woke up and thought "Hmmmm, I'd better unplug my laptop and placed it inside the bag in case one of the boys accidentally bumps into the table" But alas, after packing away, I didn't close tha bag and left it right beside the table, which had a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice on top.

It was like a horror movie. Matt suddenly thinks that pushing is actually quite fun and decides to experiment. On the table. With the glass of fruit juice on top. *PUSH*

!?!gasp!%! (insert SLOW MO here with matching VoiceOver in my head "NOOOOOoooooooo"

And the table flips over, the glass of juice falls, right into my laptop bag.

It wasn't too drenched, but with all electronics....anything liquid is B-A-D for its health.

So I flip it over, shake off the excess juice and take out the battery. From previous experience (with another electrical appliance), if you dry it and don't even attempt to open it until the internals are completely dry, it WILL still be alive.

This all happened on MOnday. It's Wednesday evening and I attempt to resurrect my laptop from the dead.

IT'S A MIRACLE. At first it would'nt boot up, which made my heart stop, but after re-booting again with Ron a few meters away (who has Heroes powers - I'M A BELEIVER! as in anything electronic, his mere presence will scare it back to life) it shakes off remnants of that fruit juice and am back in circulation.

THUS, this blog. heehee. I missed my computer!!! I heart my laptop

Saturday, June 23, 2007

my lakbay grade

thanks to janie for the link

relized i have yet to go to mindanao...

My Lakbayan grade is C!

How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out atLakbayan!

Created by Eugene Villar.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


How time flies. I remember like it was yesterday. While we were working on some things for MultiCenter in the now defunct Powerbooks that used to be on Pasay Road, Jo casually mentions to me "Hey you might wanna try working in a preschool". And that moment was when it all started.... not just a career but (dare I say it??) a calling.

If you are a regular Heroes viewer, you'd understand the title right away. If not, sorry I don't have time to explain now, but just ask your friendly neighborhood Heroes fan to tell you the significance of saving the cheerleader. This was exactly that, my save the cheerleader moment. Imagine, at that particular point in time I said yes.... it changed EVERYTHING.

Fast forward to 2007. It's been SEVEN, yes SEVEN years and counting and these are the people who were there to witness the beginnings of the start of my so-called career. And we're all still at it (well except Anna who I think, still secretly wants to get back to teaching someday hehe) albeit in different settings now, in different parts of the world, but I can still sense the very same enthusiasm when I met them in 2000.

I'm just amazed actually with how far we've all gone. And what's nice is that when we talk about our kids, its like we have our own secret language you know? The way our eyes light up at the funny stories as well as the challenging and harassing moments of being a teacher. Even if we see each other every few months/years or so, its like not a day has passed and we still can talk as easily as when we were still in ELC.

And we're definitely not "square" that all we ever talk about is work.... if you knew all the secret back stories that I know....I'd have to kill you. We all have very interesting lives OUTSIDE of work, mind you hahahaha. BELIEVE ME.

The question "name a person you know who really really loves their job" applies to all in the picture above. I've been asked many countless times why I like teaching and being in a pre school... call me naive but I'd like to think I'm doing something worthwhile even in my own little space in the world. And somehow I think my friends think the same too.

And for that, Hiro Nakamura and I are really on the same wavelength.... YATTAAAA!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

For Better OR For Worse

There's always a certain finality at the start of every schoolyear because it feels like I'm getting married....to my team in Explo. Even if it is just a year...(more like 10 months) it still feels like a marriage to me. For 5 days a week, around 6-8 hours in a day, these are the people I'd be talking to, eating lunch with, laughing with, fighting with, sharing problems and successes with... you get the picture?

The past two years, I' ve been blessed with great partners who, come hell or high water, still gave their 150 percent in making thing work. Just like what I expect a marriage would be. But those great two years weren't always a bed of roses. We had moments when we were dead tired, cranky, hungry, at wits end, frantic, frustrated, sick, and without hope BUT what made it so great was we got through those times with our friendship (and sanity) still intact. Surprisingly, it was these trying moments that made us realize how much each one was worth, how much each one was willing to shell out and put on the table even when emotionally and physically, we didn't even have an ounce left.

I'm speaking about marriage hypothetically though, as I've never been married and don't see that even happening in the next XXXX years or so... but teaching, I feel is like one, as its also a marriage of minds, AND work ethic AND dedication AND priorities AND hard work AND sacrifice AND emotional attachments as well.

So here's to a great marriage to my EXPLO team this year! CHEERS!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

ANGELINA daw!?!?!

You Are More Like Angelina Jolie

Bad girl with a heart of gold.
You are smart, sexy, and strong willed.
You aren't against stealing another girl's man...
If he's better off with you!

I AM HIRO NAKAMURA....and i will save the world!

Your Score: Hiro Nakamura

You scored 50 Idealism, 70 Nonconformity, 41 Nerdiness

Congratulations, you're Hiro Nakamura! You're a high-minded idealist, a huge nerd, and you enjoy being a unique and special person. Your combination of positive personality traits makes you impossibly lovable, and your energy and enthusiasm are absolutely infectious. Your dedication to any mission you take on, in addition to your cheerful sense of humor, are qualities anyone should be proud to have. Your best quality: Spunk Your worst quality: You are too cute. Some people may not be able to handle it.

Link: The Heroes Personality Test written by freedomdegrees on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test


I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!