Tuesday, June 12, 2007

For Better OR For Worse

There's always a certain finality at the start of every schoolyear because it feels like I'm getting married....to my team in Explo. Even if it is just a year...(more like 10 months) it still feels like a marriage to me. For 5 days a week, around 6-8 hours in a day, these are the people I'd be talking to, eating lunch with, laughing with, fighting with, sharing problems and successes with... you get the picture?

The past two years, I' ve been blessed with great partners who, come hell or high water, still gave their 150 percent in making thing work. Just like what I expect a marriage would be. But those great two years weren't always a bed of roses. We had moments when we were dead tired, cranky, hungry, at wits end, frantic, frustrated, sick, and without hope BUT what made it so great was we got through those times with our friendship (and sanity) still intact. Surprisingly, it was these trying moments that made us realize how much each one was worth, how much each one was willing to shell out and put on the table even when emotionally and physically, we didn't even have an ounce left.

I'm speaking about marriage hypothetically though, as I've never been married and don't see that even happening in the next XXXX years or so... but teaching, I feel is like one, as its also a marriage of minds, AND work ethic AND dedication AND priorities AND hard work AND sacrifice AND emotional attachments as well.

So here's to a great marriage to my EXPLO team this year! CHEERS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel very blessed to be part of your team teacher tin! thanks for all the help and encouragement you've been giving me. ;)

'til death do us part? eyng? hahaha.



I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!