Sunday, April 29, 2007

bad dreams

There used to be a time when bad dreams meant monsters in closets, ghosts making you cringe in fear, devils scaring the bejeezus outta you with their freaky-ness... things that are not really real (peace to the believers out there). That's why I love watching horror movies, I might cringe at the gore a bit and look through my fingers while watching but I don't get really scared. I don't go home and sleep with the lights open after the movie or wake up in a cold sweat screaming... I'm immune to the horror in horror movies.

Now that I'm a bit older (does that mean I'm wiser too?), jaded, cynical.... my dreams are made of scarier stuff. Not monster-scary mind you, but real-people-scary, which is enough to keep me awake till early morning and I can't take it and have to sleep. If I'd really wanted to, toothpicks in eyelids type of remedy might be one option to take hahaha. Not that I have ever killed anyone, but I'm guessing the feeling of fear when I wake up after a bad dream is more or less similar to those who already have killed someone... get what I mean? (maybe. maybe not) .... Okay, the fear is like what soldiers experience after a war, as they come home and dream about faceless people haunting them in their sleep... creepy I know! I'm just attempting to describe what it is I go through so bear with it... besides, it might just be therapeutic writing about it.

Anyway, some of my dreams are that bad.... I guess it has to do with all the bad juju happening, plus an overload of watching too much Crime and Suspense. The freaky thing is, the "supposedly" scary characters in my dreams are people I know but end up like Hannibal Lecter. My mind is just that f!@# up right now hahaha.

Yes, now I laugh, but tonight it will be a different story...

So any remedies?

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I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!