Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Thailand 24 hour enduro kart race (part 2)

I know, I know.

The second part to this trip is so long overdue. So sue me!

Moving along now...

And so I reached Pattaya. We ended up staying in this hotel which is pretty simple and straightforward. and CLEAN i must say. But expectedly since it is Pattaya, the moment you step out of the hotel, it reminds me of being in P. Burgos St. in Makati. Girly and Gay bars abound, with squealing ladyboys and girls screaming over the foreigners. you get the picture? but they didnn't care any less for the females (Thank You God) =)
I did'nt really care to document or take pics of our Pattaya hotel because we really didnt spend much time there. We really stayed in the Birakart Track for 24 hours literally.

The 24 hour Enduro kart race was exciting and tiring at the same time. Exciting because we didn't know what to expect, and tiring because it took soooo long. I basically was just there to support A and the team. I was mother hen/housekeeper/medic/pitboard crew/radio = all around rah rah girl haha. It was fun too for a lot of reasons, mainly being in Thailand for the first time and helping out in an Enduro race for the first time EVER as well.

The really memorable part of the Race was when it rained...more like it poured haha. The organizers had to postpone the race for around 6 hours to wait for the rain to stop because the weather was like a typhoon in the making. The track and the HQ tents for the teams were already flooded, leaving everything just soggy, wet, smelly and bottomline DANGEROUS for the karters. The weather was that B-A-D.

But on with the race, and the Philippine team managed to gain a lot of time in the rain. Good thing we had gung-ho karters who were game to go out and just drive despite the conditions.

And the end of it all is, the team WON 2nd PLACE out of 23 international teams coming from all parts of the globe (France, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, etc etc).

I guess it was a combination of team work, good strategies and great driving which brought the trophy home. Go Philippines! =)

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