Thursday, May 22, 2008


My training here in Cebu IS is about to end and I am getting antsy. I am slowly counting the days (hours, minutes, seconds) till I am on that plane back home.

It's not that I'm homesick. It's the fact that I'm feeling the edge of a schoolyear and a summer's worth of work.

Let me explain. The pre-school I used to work in (now that feels weird just typing that) operates within the local schoolyear calendar - from June to March. The Cebu IS schoolyear is different as it starts (officially in August for students) in July for teachers, and ends in May. So coming from the end of the pre-school year and working straight into the end of the CIS schoolyear for training...I'm getting tired.

Teaching is a tiring job, physically, emotionally, mentally. You might not understand why kids (and teachers) need that 2 month break away from school, but there is a reasonable explanation for it. During the start of my teaching career, I even used to volunteer and do teaching jobs during the summer, making me work 12 straight months of teaching. But after those first three years of doing that, I ain't doin' it no more!

I find myself getting cranky, impatient, losing my humor easily and overall not plain effective as a teacher when I don't have those two months away from teaching. The two months are there to re-charge, rejuvenate, a time for me to recoup all that energy spent in being there for the kids. *SIGH* The more I get to go and explore places, discover new things, meet new people, the better I am in bringing "life" into the classroom. Experiences make you grow, learn, change and adapt which is what you want kids to learn in the safety of your room.

I am looking forward to the half marathon (either Milo in August or Adidas in September) and going to the beach at the end of the month.

(Thanks to sandra-fortheloveofcats.blogspot.com for the great jpg)

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I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!