Thursday, May 29, 2008


Once in a while, you get a phone call that jolts you into waking up and getting worried. I had that just a few minutes ago when a friend called me with a dilemma.

It started off innocently enough. Our friendship is not the type that needs constant phone calls or even weekly or monthly meet ups to maintain. Despite age, time and distance, the good thing is that though contact is few and far in between, we know that we can count on the other person to cover our back when needed.

Then, the call progresses. At first it was the usual, hey how are you and what’s keeping you busy and updating each other on how everything is going, and then the real story comes out. B wants me to check out an address here in Cebu as there has been a “person” texting B about having won money and a car.

I can smell a scam a mile away. And this one fits the bill. First and foremost, B was notified through a text, about the SIM card or phone number being especially picked out of a million (gazillion) numbers. (Raise one eyebrow on cue). Hello!?! First and foremost, if this was really a legitimate company giving out money, they wouldn’t just notify you through a text message right?? They would email, snail mail, call your home phone and cell phone and have a DTI representative contact you.

The bad thing about it is, the other person B was in contact with, this person named Mr. Carlos Villegas, after convincing B that they were a legitimate company called Takayama Corporation in Cebu with address 52 Sergio Osmena Boulevard and cell number 09293330933 , also requested and said “Please call us, send us your birth certificate through LBC…..” (Raise other eyebrow on cue here).

I am stupid to even be worried right? Because from the start you know it’s a big scam. I’m just worried that B might do something stupid and send or give out a lot of personal info that might put B in jeopardy. With technology now, I’m not surprised how a lot of records can be accessed with simply one document or detail you reveal about yourself.

So, to the question at hand, what do I do now?


* As of today, it is a confirmed scam. They started asking for money to be sent. Whew. Thank God the job o convincing B that it is a scam is done.

Anyone know a number or agency we can report these people to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tin, for text scams, call the NTC at 9213251


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