Thursday, July 03, 2008

I Got My ChiRunning Book! Yipee!

Went to Barnes and Nobles last Monday and got my very own copy of Chi Running by Danny Dreyer.

B was the very first one to introduce me to the book and a day before our fateful Subic Half Marathon (way back in October?) where I had doubts if I could finish pain-free, I gobbled it up to see if there was something, anything in it that could help me through the pain I'd experience everytime I'd hit the 18k mark.

So I finished the book in one sitting, tried to remember as much as I could, ate well, slept well, and did the Subic Half Marathon the day after.

And it worked. I finished all 21 kilometers without any pain in my left knee that day..I was ecstatic and was forever converted.

Call it a bunch of hulabaloo but it worked for me. Imagine how after reading the book I realized my right foot was pronating and a simple adjustment in how my foot landed was all that was needed. Simple!

AND NOW I have my very own copy to reference back to when needed...yahoo... the simple joys in life =).

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