Thursday, August 16, 2007


And YES! It is official! There is no school tomorrow (Friday) as it is expected that there will be heavy rain which equals to traffic borne floods all over the city.

Thus I am now halfway through my 6 day weekend, with MOnday being a declared holiday (Whoever thought about moving holidays to the nearest monday is a genius! Kudos to you!)

So far, my usual day goes like this:

8 am: wake up to check phone for fated text

9am: receive text on cancellation of classes (insert dance of joy here)

9:0am: mass text all parents about no school day

9:03am: back to lala land zzzzzzzzzz

1130am: wake up.....watch tv, wait for lunch

12:30pm: LUNCH TIME

1:30pm:watch tv then fall asleep

3:00pm: attempt at being productive part 1 (but end up chatting in YM anyway)

4:00pm: attempt at being productive part 2 (figuring out if I should work on Explo stuff or DLSU stuff)

5:00pm: merienda time (forage ref, or better yet have food delivered)

6:00pm: decide on what to do after dilly dallying for two hours, surfing the net, finding funny things to email to friends, etc etc

7:30pm: oooh almost dinner time, schmooze some morein front of the TV

8:30om: dinner

9:30-12:00pm: waste more time

1:00am fall asleep


I'm enjoying myself too much here....... see what no school does to me?!?!

I'm turning into a couch potato tsk tsk

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I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!