Tuesday, July 01, 2008

100 DAYS

I never realized I'd ever reach 100 entries....and I did!! Today!

To celebrate, did a 10k run this morning in the flat roads of Corpus.

Waking up early has been a big challenge for this 10k run. It took me four days of waking up and not going before I finally said to myself to stop making excuses and just do it. Some excuses were...

1. You're not familiar with the roads yet, you might get lost. (The roads in Corpus are more or less in a grid, so that excuse didn't quite stick.)

2. You might get gunned down by a psycho doing a routine driveby shooting on lone runners and bikers. (There was this commercial last night asking for help on catching the psycho and I was thinking despite my RoadID, I didn't want to be roadkill - Yes, this is my paranoid self talking.)

3. You might get into a freak accident.(Yes, paranoia is creeping in that the world is out to kill me. Remember that youtube video of this guy walking down the street and being a victim of two cars that bumped into each other, resulting in both rolling down the street in high speed directly into THIS guy? Flashback of this video going through my head in slooow motion.)

4. Stray animals might think you're food....or the milkman.

Am so glad I didn't listen to that inner paranoid voice and just RAN! What made it perfect was that the weather was just right, there were a few cars on the road, there were a lot of fields in the surrounding area and the pavement was well made (except for that part on Saratoga from Ranger Ave, the sidewalk was sloping! Good thing I had to go back down that same road to even out my feet.

So, the next time you schedule a run and a lot of excuses are running through your head, just think, the best feeling you get is after a run.... endorphin high plus pride that you finished a workout you set out to do. No excuse can ever beat that!

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I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!