Sunday, July 13, 2008


It's not just about running,
which I struggled with for the past months. Many events have conspired to make me miss that early morning run (maybe a heavy dinner the day before?) and even if I wanted to make up for it in the gym or maybe do a late afternoon workout, it just didn't happen. Admittedly, THE PLAN to train wasn't exactly followed to a T but at least, was able to put in a few quality runs here and there. A few is better than none right?

It's also about the other things, like playing the guitar
which for a while was limited to very easy CG chord patterns (like BearClaw and Tiger ala Phoebe Buffay hehehehe) but if I really put my mind to it, I could play decent stuff as long as I practice, practice, practice. It helps though that Guitar Hero is so much fun to play too heeheehee.

It's about sleep
and how I never seem to get that rhythm of when and how much. Today it might be a looong loooong stretch that puts Rip Van Winkle to shame, tomorrow, I might be lucky to sleep peacefully through 15-30 minute naps all throughout the day.

It's also about time,
and how it seems like 24 hours isn't enough for all the things I want to do, meet all the people I want to spend time with, and how the clock is tick-tock-ticking away till I leave yet again.

Getting back that groove is hard
but sometimes you just have to play it as it comes. The more you fight those changes, the harder it is to figure out that it's not that bad to not have that routine.

SO the next time you struggle,

with running...

with playing...

with sleeping...

with time...

don't think, just enjoy it!

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I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!