Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hi, my name is Runtintin and I'm a sucker for running stuff.
(support circle answers "Hi Runtintin!")

I can't help it. I enjoy using my gadgets. I like stuff that I think will make me a better and safer runner.

I have long quelled the addiction to bring my Ipod when I run.

Sometimes I just bring and wear it for props, not to show off mind you, but it wards off would-be conversations from complete strangers when all that I want is time to be ignored and left alone to run without any distraction. So sometimes I wear it but don't even turn it on. I even wear the headphones even if it's off. And besides, not turning it on is safer as it keeps you aware of your surroundings.

I love love love my Polar.

I heart it. I really don't mind it when my heart goes over the said heart rate limit and begins to beeps like crazy. There are days when I feel perfectly fine even if it says my heart is over exerting itself. I trust my body more than the gadget, as sometimes the gym stuff and the Polar do not mix and tends to mess up the heart rate reading. I love it anyway for other reasons. Like helping me keep track of time, and pace, and distance. And I can even use it on the bike to take note of cadence and rpm.

My Road ID comes in at third.

It has all the numbers of people to call in case of an emergency. And it's so lightweight I don't even know it's there. It fits perfectly so it doesn't go around and around my wrist in that irritating way when you wear a gadget that's just too loose, which eventually leads to chaffing which is something you do not ever want to have. Ever.

My Nathan Water Belt is the bomb.

I can now run without worry of getting thirsty. I don't have to rely on the water station which has water that tastes funny. Inside it can fit my phone, Gu, other food like chocolates, granola bars etc etc (yes am afraid of hunger).

If you want to make me happy, giving me running stuff is the way to go.

I'm that easy to please. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok tong pre run checklist mo. very similar to mine! ;-) except for the road id. it's gone. oh well. ngek!


I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!