Saturday, October 11, 2008


Okay, I have to tell you a secret...shhh don't tell okay?
Coach B, you'll kill me I know but I haven't exactly been faithful to my training runs (eep!)

Let me recall circa 21-k half marathon in Subic, the T2 were at a loss after that because it was like... what's next? Not having a race to train for means not having a goal to reach. Not having a goal to reach means what do I do during training runs? Okay so yes, I've said it countless times that I will do a simulcast in December for that full marathon... but the thing is, it's not real to me... no matter how hard I pretend that it is, it's just not the same. =( I have to get out of this mindset I know, and I have to do it fast or else I might get stuck. It's like quicksand you know? The more I fight it, the more I sink into it...so I need to slowly, ever so slowly ease out of it.

So what do I do? Maybe start with a plan... and carry it through to get me out of this training stump. I hate not being able to finish something I've started, and that includes having a plan and not being able to follow through on it.

I've tried to muster enough courage to venture out to do at least a decent long run to no avail. I have a 15k plan tomorrow, and hope my training buddy doesn't flake on me yet again... but I promised myself this, training buddy or no training buddy, I will run that 15 k. There, I've said it, will do it. IN the event my body is found on a roadside, I have my trusty roadID to ensure I'm not a Jane DOe. Will bring my water, have my Polar strapped on, Phone for emergencies, money (for taho or Gatorade in case I am about to crash) and snacks.

Wish me luck!

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I started this blog months ago to write about things I like, and in no particular order, my top 4 are food, travel, people, and sports.

My entries can be a mix and match of all four, so hope you do enjoy!